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Wysłany: Śro 8:38, 23 Maj 2018 Temat postu: Temat: Kronika Jerameela |
Temat: Kronika Jerameela
(Chronicles of Jerahmeel)
W kronice są informacje m.in. o liczbie potomków Noego:
"It came to pass, 640 years after Noah went out of the ark, that each chief numbered his people. Pinhas numbered the children of Japheth and the children of Gomar, and the total number of those which Pinhas numbered was 5,800; that of the children of Magog under him, 6,200; that of Madai under him, 5,700; that of the children of Tubal, 9,400; and the children of Meshech, 7,200; the children of Riphath numbered 11,500; those of Togarmah, 14,400; those of Elishah, 14,900; of Tarshish, 12,100; of Kittim, 18,300; of Dodanim, 17,700. The number of the children of Japheth, the men of war and the armour-bearers, as Pinhas their prince had numbered them was 142,000, besides women and children. (4) Nimrod the chief numbered the children of Ham under his sway, and found them to be 12,600; the children of Misraim under him were, 24,900; the children of Phut, 27,700; of Canaan, 32,900; of Sheba, 4,300 (?); of Havilah, 24,300; of Sabta, 25,300; of Ra’amah, 30,600; of Sabtecha, 46,400. And the number of the children of Ham, according to the numbering of Nimrod the prince, was 492,000 valiant men who went out to war, besides the women and children. [*1] (5) And the number of the children of Noah was 714,100. All these were numbered during the lifetime of Noah, and Noah lived after the flood 350 years. And all the days of Noah were 950 years, and he died."
Tekst z rozdzieleniem na wiersze:
It came to pass, 640 years after Noah went out of the ark, that each chief numbered his people.
Pinhas numbered the children of Japheth and the children of Gomar,
and the total number of those which Pinhas numbered was 5,800;
that of the children of Magog under him, 6,200;
that of Madai under him, 5,700;
that of the children of Tubal, 9,400;
and the children of Meshech, 7,200;
the children of Riphath numbered 11,500;
those of Togarmah, 14,400;
those of Elishah, 14,900;
of Tarshish, 12,100;
of Kittim, 18,300;
of Dodanim, 17,700.
The number of the children of Japheth, the men of war and the armour-bearers,
as Pinhas their prince had numbered them was 142,000, besides women and children.
Nimrod the chief numbered the children of Ham under his sway, and found them to be 12,600;
the children of Misraim under him were, 24,900;
the children of Phut, 27,700;
of Canaan, 32,900;
of Sheba, 4,300 (?);
of Havilah, 24,300;
of Sabta, 25,300;
of Ra’amah, 30,600;
of Sabtecha, 46,400.
And the number of the children of Ham,
according to the numbering of Nimrod the prince, was 492,000 valiant men who went out to war,
besides the women and children.
And the number of the children of Noah was 714,100.
All these were numbered during the lifetime of Noah, and Noah lived after the flood 350 years.
And all the days of Noah were 950 years, and he died.
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Wysłany: Śro 8:45, 23 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Google Translate:
640 lat po tym, gdy Noe wyszedł z arki, każdy z nich liczył swój lud.
Pinhowie liczyli dzieci Jafeta i dzieci Gomara,
a całkowita liczba tych, które Pinhas ponumerowała, wyniosła 5800;
podległych mu dzieci Magoga, 6 200;
pod nim Madai, 5700;
z dzieci Tubala, 9400;
i dzieci Meshech, 7,200;
dzieci z Riphath liczyły 11,500;
tych z Togarmah, 14 400;
ci z Elisza, 14.900;
z Tarszisz, 12,100;
Kittim, 18 300;
Dodanim, 17 700.
Liczba dzieci Jafeta, żołnierzy wojennych i opancerzonych,
jak Pinhas ich książę ich liczył, było 142 tysiące, oprócz kobiet i dzieci.
Nimrod naczelnik policzył dzieci Sama pod swoją władzę i znalazł ich 12 600;
dzieci Misraima pod nim były 24.900;
dzieci Phuta, 27 700;
Kanaanu, 32 900;
Sheba, 4,300 (?);
of the Havilah, 24, 300;
Sabta, 25 300;
z Ra'amah, 30.600;
Sabtecha, 46,400.
A liczba dzieci z Ham,
zgodnie z numeracją księcia Nimroda, było 492 000 mężnych mężczyzn, którzy wyruszyli na wojnę,
oprócz kobiet i dzieci.
A liczba dzieci Noego wynosiła 714,100.
Wszystkie te zostały policzone za życia Noego, a Noe żył po powodzi przez 350 lat.
A wszystkie dni Noego trwały 950 lat i on umarł.
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Wysłany: Śro 9:03, 23 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Poprawki tłumaczenia:
640 lat po tym, gdy Noe wyszedł z arki, każdy z naczelników policzył swój lud.
Pinhas policzył dzieci Jafeta i dzieci Gomara,
a całkowita liczba tych, które Pinhas policzył wyniosła 5800;
dzieci Magoga, 6200;
od Madai było ich 5700;
dzieci Tubala 9400;
dzieci Meshech, 7200;
dzieci Riphath 11500;
Togarmah miał 14400;
Elisza 14900;
Tarszisz 12100;
Kittim 18300;
Dodanim 17700.
Liczba dzieci Jafeta, wojowników
których Pinhas, ich książę policzył, było 142 tysiące, oprócz kobiet i dzieci.
Nimrod naczelnik, liczył dzieci Hama, których miał pod swoją władzą i naliczył ich 12600;
dzieci Misraima było 24900;
dzieci Phuta 27700;
Kanaanu 32900;
Sheba 4300;
Havilah 24300;
Sabta 25300;
Ra'amah 30600;
Sabtecha 46400.
Liczba dzieci Hama,
zgodnie z obliczeniami księcia Nimroda: 492 000 mężczyzn, oprócz kobiet i dzieci.
Liczba dzieci Noego wynosiła 714,100.
Wszystkie zostały policzone za życia Noego, a Noe żył po potopie przez 350 lat.
Wszystkie dni Noego trwały 950 lat i zmarł.
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Wysłany: Śro 9:22, 23 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Potop był w Roku Świata 1657
Dane Jerameela dotyczą czasu 640 lat później czyli Roku Świata 2297
Liczba potomków Noego wynosiła 714,100 (nie licząc kobiet i dzieci).
Czterej synowie Jawana mieli wtedy tylu dorosłych meżczyzn:
Elisza 14900;
Tarszisz 12100;
Kittim 18300;
Dodanim 17700.
Razem synów Jawana było 63000 mężczyzn
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Wysłany: Śro 9:46, 23 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Fragment kroniki dotyczący potomstwa Jafeta:
And the children of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yavan, Tubal, Mesekh, and Tiras;
and these are the names of the countries of the children of Yapheth who were scattered at the time of the dispersion.
The children of Gomer were the Frankos (###), who inhabited the country of the Frankos (###), in the land of Franselni (###), on the river Segna (###).
Riphath are the Britanos (###), who inhabit the land of Riphtania (###), on the river Lira (###).
The Segna and Lira both flow into the Ocean.
Togarmah branched into ten families, who are the Cuzar (###), Pasinaq (###), Alan (###), Bulgar (###), Kanbina (###), Turq (###), Buz (###), Zakhukh (###), Ugar (###), and Tulmes (###).
All of these dwell in the North, and the names of their lands are taken from their own names, and they live by the river Hetel (###); but Ugar, Bulgar, and Pasinaq live by the great river called Danube (###), i.e., the Dunai (###).
The children of Javan are the Greeks, who dwell in the land of Nsa (###) [*1-2] and Macedonia.
Madai, that is, Edalus (###), dwell in the land of Turkhan (### or Kurasan ###).
Tubal are the Tuscans (###), who dwell in the land of Tuscania, by the river Pisa (###);
Mesech, i.e., the Saqsoni (###).
(11) Tirus, i.e., the Rossi (###);
the Saqsni (###) and the Iglesusi (###) dwell by the river of the great sea.
The Rossi dwell by the river Kio (or Kiva, ###), which flows into the Gergan (###) Sea.
Elisa, i.e., Alamania (###), inhabit the mountains of Iov and Septimo (###);
and from them arose the Lungobardi (###),
who came from the other side of the mountains of Iov and Septimo (###),
and having conquered Italia, dwelt in it until this very day on the river Pao (###), and Tisio (###);
and from them again arose the Borgonia (###),
who dwell by the river Rodano (###),
and the Bidria (###), dwelling by the river Rinos (###),
which flows into the Great Sea.
And the rivers Tisio and Pio (###) flow into the sea Venitiqia (###).
(13) Tarshish, i.e., the Trkisiani (###), who accepted the law of the Macedonians;
and from them come Trasos (###).
And it came to pass, when the Ishmaelites captured the land of Trasos, that its inhabitants fled to the land of Greece, and fought hence with the Ishmaelites in Trasos. (14)
Kittim, i.e., the[p. 68][paragraph continues] Romans, who dwell in the valley Kapania (###), by the river Tiberio.
Dodanim (###), these are the Danisqi (###), who dwell in the midst of the tongues of the sea, in the land of Danemarka (###) and Asidania (###), in the Great Sea, who swore not to serve the Romans, and they hid themselves in the midst of the waves of the sea; but they could not (withstand) them, for the power of Rome extended as far as the end of the isles of the sea.
(15) And thus the Moraia (###), Bruti (###), Sorbin (###), Lusinin (###), Liumin (###), Krakar (###), and Bazimin (###) are reckoned among the descendants of the Dodanim.
They dwell by the seashore, from the border of Bulgar (###) until Venitiqia (###) on the sea, and from there they spread as far as the border of Saqsni (###) to the Great Sea; they are called Isqlabi (###).
Some say they are descendants of Canaan, but they trace their descent to the Dodanim (###).
[Thus far the Hebrew of Josippon; from the next sentence beginning, ‚And it came to pass when the Lord scattered,’ etc., I shall copy in connection with Esau and the kings of Edom later on. Let us now return to the narrative of Jerahmeel.]
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Wysłany: Śro 10:01, 23 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Wcześniej w Kronice był:
Opis potomków Noego
These are the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Children were born to them after the flood, for from Noah there came forth 72 families–from Japheth, 15; from Ham, 30; and from Shem,
27. And these 72 families were separated each according to his lineage in his own land, with their several nations, into 72 languages, the Hebrew language in Eber, the Egyptian in Egypt, the Greek in Greece, Latin in Rome, the Aramean in Syria, the Chaldean in Chaldea, etc.
The nations which descended from Shem were 406, Britania, Qalabra, Tosqana, Luqa, Piqe.nsa, etc.
The whole earth was divided into three parts.
(2) Shem, the eldest, chose his portion in the land of ‚Asya (###), that is, the land of Persia, from Baqtris to Endiana, from the Persian River until the Ocean in the west and the whole Rinds.
They numbered 27 languages, and 406 peoples.
Ham took his portion in the land of Afriqia, which comprises Aram, Hamath, and the mountain of Lebanon, in a well-watered land, until the Red Sea and the Sea of Philistia, from Rinos as far as Gadaira.
The number of their languages was 22, and that of the peoples 394. (3)
Japheth chose his portion in the land of Eoropa (###), that is, in the south from Media to Bodea (###), and their boundaries extended from the mountains
[p. 66]
of Taoro (###) and Mano (###), in Syria and Sisilia, until the river Tanais (###), until Gadaira, that is, the land of Eoropa (###, Europe).
The number of their languages was 23, and that of their peoples 300.
The land of Shem contained the river Euphrates;
Ham, G(ihon) which is called the Nile;
Japheth, Hiddeqel (Tigris), in Media and Babylon.
(4) The children of Japheth are Gomer, i.e., Gavathi (or Galathi, ###) and Regini; Magog, i.e., Sqite (###) (Scythes), from whom arose Gog and Magog. These were the peoples which Alexander of Macedon enclosed in the Caspian Mountains; and from them arose the Guti (Goths), Pirati (###), Nordmani (###), Bauveri (###), Langobardi, Saqsonei, Gasgonei.
Madai are: Medi, Yavan-Gresi (###), Armenei (###), and Fransi (###). The river of the Gresi (###) is called Yoniu.
Tubal are Iberi and Ispamia; Mesech are the Qapadoses (###). The name of the city was formerly Mesekhah (###), and the royal city was Qapadoqia (###), now called Caesarea (Kesari, ###), in the land of Kaftor; Tiras are Trases (###).
The children of Gomer were Ashkenaz, in the land of the Greeks, or Gresi (###), Rifath (###) is Paflagronas (Paphlagonians) (###). Togarmah are the Frezes (Phryges, ###).
The children of Yavan were Elisa’ (###), i.e., Eolides (###), and they are one-fifth of the Greek tongue.
Tarshish is Silisia (###)–this is the Tarshish in the Book of Jonah–Kittim are Qipres (###), Dodanim are Rodie (###).
All these live from the mountain Amone (###) and Taoro (###), in Brittania, as far as the sea Oqeanos.
[Eliezer the Levite thought fit to add here the chapter, from the beginning of Jossipon the Great’s work, because it is similar to the above; and this is the very beginning of the Book of Jossipon.]
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Wysłany: Czw 9:19, 24 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Szczegółowy spis potomków Noego, orz wyspy które zajęli:
XXVII. (1) The sons of Jepheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yavan, Tubal, Meshekh, and Tiras ;
and the sons of Gomar were Ashkenaz, Eiphath, and Togarmah ;
and the sons of Yavan, Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
The sons of Gomer were Teled, Lud, Deber, and Led;
the sons of Magog, Qashe, Tipa, Paruta, 'Amiel, Pinhas, Golaza, and Samanakh ;
the sons of Dedan, Shalom, Filog, and Tuflita ;
the children of Tubal, Fantonya and Atipa ;
the children of Tiras, Maakh, Tabel, Bal'anah, Shampla, Meah, and Elash ;
the children of Melech, Aburdad, Horad, and Bosrah.
The children of Ashkenaz w^ere Yekhal, Sardana, and Anakh ;
the children of Heri, Esudad, Do'ath, Depaseat, and Hanokh ;
the children of Togarmah, Abihud, Shafat, and Yaftir ;
the children of Elishah, Zaaq, Qenath, and Mastizrida ;
the children of Zipthai, Mafshiel, Tina, Avla, and Jinon.
The children of Tisai were, Maqol, Luon, Silagtaba ;
the children of Dodanim, Iteb, Beath, and Faneg.
And of these the inhabitants of the land of Persia, Media, and those of the isles of
the sea were divided.
And Faneg, son of Dodanim, was the first to ride the ships of the sea.
At that time a third part of the land of Eomidath was flooded.
And his sons subdued Yedid ;
and the sons of Magog subdued Degel,
and the sons of Madai subdued Bitto ;
the sons of Yavan, Seel;
the sons of Tubal, Pahath ;
the sons of Meshek, Nephti ;
the sons of Tiras, Pioo ;
the sons of Dinim, Gudah.
And Eiphath without his sons conquered Godo ;
and the sons of Eiphath, Bosrah ;
and the sons of Targomah, Phut ;
the sons of Elishah, Tablo ;
the sons of Tarshish, Meriba ;
and the sons of Kittim . . . ;
and the sons of Dodanim, Qaduba.
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Wysłany: Czw 10:53, 24 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Kronika mówi o podziale potomków Noego na 72 rodziny (podział ludzkości podczas budowy wieży Babel):
1) These are the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Children were born to them after the flood,
for from Noah there came forth 72 families—
from Japheth, 15;
from Ham, 30;
and from Shem, 27.
And these 72 families were separated each according to his lineage in his own land,
with their several nations, into 72 languages,
the Hebrew language in Eber,
the Egyptian in Egypt,
the Greek in Greece,
Latin in Rome,
the Aramean in Syria,
the Chaldean in Chaldea, etc.
The nations which descended from Shem were 406, Briṭania, Qalabra, Tosqana, Luqa, Piqe.nsa, etc.
The whole earth was divided into three parts.
Shem, the eldest, chose his portion in the land of ‘Asya (###),
that is, the land of Persia, from Baqṭris to Endiana, from the Persian River until the Ocean in the west and the whole Rinds.
They numbered 27 languages, and 406 peoples.
Ham took his portion in the land of Afriqia,
which comprises Aram, Hamath, and the mountain of Lebanon,
in a well-watered land, until the Red Sea and the Sea of Philistia, from Rīnôs as far as Gadaira.
The number of their languages was 22, and that of the peoples 394.
Japheth chose his portion in the land of Eoropa (###),
that is, in the south from Media to Bodeā (###), and their boundaries extended from the mountains
of Ṭaôrô (###) and Manô (###), in Syria and Siṣilia, until the river Ṭanais (###),
until Gadaira, that is, the land of Eoropa (###, Europe).
The number of their languages was 23, and that of their peoples 300.
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Wysłany: Czw 11:32, 24 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Kim był Krakar?
And thus the Moraia (###), Bruti (###), Sorbin (###), Lusinin (###), Liumin (###), Krakar (###), and Bazimin (###) are reckoned among the descendants of the Dodanim. They dwell by the seashore, from the border of Bulgar (###) until Venitiqia (###) on the sea, and from there they spread as far as the border of Saqsni (###) to the Great Sea; they are called Isqlabi (###).
Google Translate:
A zatem Moraia (###), Bruti (###), Sorbin (###), Lusinin (###), Liumin (###), Krakar (###) i Bazimin (## #) są zaliczane do potomków Dodanim. Mieszkają nad brzegiem morza, od granicy Bułgarii (###) aż do Venitiqia (###) na morzu, a stamtąd rozciągają się aż do granicy Saqsni (###) do Wielkiego Morza; nazywane są Isqlabi (###).
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Wysłany: Czw 11:34, 24 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Szerszy kontekst i tłumaczenie:
Dodanim (###), these are the Danisqi (###), who dwell in the midst of the tongues of the sea, in the land of Danemarka (###) and Asidania (###), in the Great Sea, who swore not to serve the Romans, and they hid themselves in the midst of the waves of the sea; but they could not (withstand) them, for the power of Rome extended as far as the end of the isles of the sea. (15) And thus the Moraia (###), Bruti (###), Sorbin (###), Lusinin (###), Liumin (###), Krakar (###), and Bazimin (###) are reckoned among the descendants of the Dodanim. They dwell by the seashore, from the border of Bulgar (###) until Venitiqia (###) on the sea, and from there they spread as far as the border of Saqsni (###) to the Great Sea; they are called Isqlabi (###).
Translate Google:
Dodanim (###), są to Danisqi (###), którzy mieszkają pośród języków morza, w kraju Danemarka (###) i Asidanii (###), w Wielkiej Morze, który przysięgał, że nie będzie służyć Rzymianom, i ukryli się pośród fal morskich; ale nie mogli (wytrzymać) na nich, bo moc Rzymu rozciągała się aż do końca wysp morza. (15) A zatem Moraia (###), Bruti (###), Sorbin (###), Lusinin (###), Liumin (###), Krakar (###) i Bazimin (###) są zaliczane do potomków Dodanim. Mieszkają nad brzegiem morza, od granicy Bułgarii (###) aż do Venitiqia (###) na morzu, a stamtąd rozciągają się aż do granicy Saqsni (###) do Wielkiego Morza; nazywane są Isqlabi (###).
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Wysłany: Czw 11:40, 24 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
Poprawki tłumaczenia:
(Potomkowie) Dodanima, są to Danisqi (Duńczycy, Gdańszcznie?), którzy mieszkają pośród języków morza, w kraju Danemarka i Asidanii, na Wielkim Morzu, którzy przysięgli, że nie będą służyć Rzymianom, i ukryli się pośród fal morskich; ale nie mogli (wytrzymać) na nich, bo moc Rzymu rozciągała się aż do końca wysp morza. A zatem Moraia (może Morawianie), Bruti (Brytyjczycy?), Sorbin, Lusinin, Liumin, Krakar i Bazimin są zaliczane do potomków Dodanima. Mieszkają nad brzegiem morza, od granicy Bułgarii aż do Venitiqia (Wenecja?) na morzu, a stamtąd rozciągają się aż do granicy Saqsni (Saksoni?) do Wielkiego Morza; nazywane są Isqlabi (Sklawi czyli Słowianie).
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Wysłany: Czw 18:24, 24 Maj 2018 Temat postu: |
We wstępie jakiegoś tłumaczenia Jerahmeela jest napisane:
"In Chapter xxviii., paragraph 3, instead of 640 the Latin has 340;"
Musiły być jakieś nieścisłości, ale poprawne jest 340, a nie 640 lat po potopie - wtedy zaczęto liczyć ludzkość.
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