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Wysłany: Pon 13:37, 11 Mar 2019 Temat postu: Filan, the father of Finland |
Filan, the father of Finland
"LECH alio nomine (auctore Procosio) LEK ex bellicosissima gente Sarmatarum, filius Helissae II. occupavit has regiones circa annum mundi 2032, qui continuis bellis cum plurimis nationibus gestis, tandem labore et aetate confectus obiit Gnesnae anno mundi 2082 regni autem quinquagesimo: reliquit filium FILAR alias Filan dictum, qui cuidam regioni nomen suum Filania imposuit: regnavit annos triginta mortuus a. m. 2112."
("Chronicon slavo-sarmaticum" Procosii)
(Lech - the father of Poland)
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Wysłany: Pon 13:53, 11 Mar 2019 Temat postu: |
"Erant ergo filii Noë, qui egressi sunt de arca, Sem, Cham, et Iapheth"
(Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgatae versionis, wyd r. 1785)
"Filii Japheth: Gomer, et Magog, et Madai, et Javan, Thubal, Mosoch, Thiras."
("Bibliorum sacrorum vulgatae versionis editio: iussu Christianissimi...", wyd 1785 r.)
"Gomer autem cum filio Togarma Minoris Afie, Magog Syrie, Tubal & Mefhech Syrie vel Arabie videntur partem aliquam tenuiffe."
("Annalium mundi universalium, origines rerum,&progressus, sacras ...", Hugh Robinson - wyd rok 1677)
"A Thorgomo ait ( Moses chorenensis I. 9.) procreatum Haicum."
(Chronica", Eusebius (Pamphili), Samuel Aniensis, wyd r. 1818)
"Armenacus Haici filius post obitum patris, fratres duos Chorum et Manavazum in Harchensi provincia reliquit, itemque Bazum Manavazi filium."
(Eusevius Pamphili wyd r. 1818)
"Ibi vero ad montis radices domicilium excitat, idque mox Armenaci filio Cadmo attribuens, longius ipse progressus est ad regionem quamdam inter solis occasum et septemtrionem sitam, quam et Harchiam nuncupavit."
"Eusebii Caesariensis et Samuelis Aniensis Chronica", Angelo Mai, Samuel d'Ani, wyd r. 1818)
"Longitu terræ habet 15. dierü uter. lllyria,ab illyrio Cadmonis filio.vibium prima est,Oricum,inde Dyrrachiâ."
("Pharsaliae libri X", Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, wyd 1578 r.)
"Illyrio deinde filij, Adhilles, Autarius, Dardanus, Medus, Taulantius, Perrhebus : filiae quoq Partha, Daorta, Dasara : à quibus Taulantij, Perrhebij, Achillei, Autarici, Dardani, Medi, Partheni, Dasarici, Darsij prodiere."
("Commentariorum vrbanorum Raphaelis Volaterrani octo et triginta", Raffaele Maffei, wyd. 1530 r.)
"Autario ipsi, Pannonium, vel Pęonum potius,& Scordiscum filios fuiffe aiunt, Pæono Tribalű:ầ quibus pariter nationū cogno mina traduċta funt."
("Appiani Alexandrini Sophistae, de Civilibus Romanoru[m] bellis historiarum.", wydanie rok 1538)
"Polonia etiam Lechia nuncupatur, à qua Lechitæ fuam fumpferunt originem, quæ à Lech Seniore filio Annonis nomen accepit. ANNON cnim legitur tres filios habuisse, Lech, Rusz & Czech, de quo fatis clarè ponitur in Chronica Polonorum."
(Historia Polonica, Vincentii Kadłvbkonis Episcopi Cracoviensis, wyd 1612)
"ANNON cnim legitur tres filios bi témpora continentur, vel facía diuerforum habuiííe, Lech, Rufz, & Czech, de quo fatis cla- temporum."
(Ioannis Długossi seu Longini... Historiae Polonicae libri XII... cum ..." wyd r. 1712)
"...Lech Seniore Filio Pannonis nomen accepit."
("Res gestae principum et regum Poloniae: Per Vincentium (Kadlubkonem)", wyd 1824)
"LECH alio nomine (auctore Procosio) LEK ex bellicosissima gente Sarmatarum, filius Helissae II. occupavit has regiones circa annum mundi 2032, qui continuis bellis cum plurimis nationibus gestis, tandem labore et aetate confectus obiit Gnesnae anno mundi 2082 regni autem quinquagesimo: reliquit filium FILAR alias Filan dictum, qui cuidam regioni nomen suum Filania imposuit: regnavit annos triginta mortuus a. m. 2112."
("Chronicon slavo-sarmaticum" Procosii, wyd r. 1872)
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Wysłany: Wto 12:58, 09 Lip 2024 Temat postu: |
See in Wikipedia: Lech, Czech, and Rus'
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Wysłany: Wto 13:13, 09 Lip 2024 Temat postu: |
Karelia, Carelia is from king Car (Tsar) name:
A king named Tsar was the son of the biblical Joktan. Gen 10:26 (Septuagint - the first Greek translation of the Holy Scripture) mentions his name Sarmoth among Joktan's sons.
The name Carvatia (Croatia), Carmatae (Tsardom, i.e. Sarmatia) or Carelia comes from the name Tsar, because it was one state of King Tsar.
The Tsar founded the city of Carodom (Tsar's House), today Stradom in Krakow (Prokosz chronicle). The ruler's name Carocus comes from his name, which was later spelled Crocus, giving him a name that reads "Krakus" and the new, commonly known name of the city of Krakow (Poland).
The words tsar, king (Charles) and emperor Caesar come from Tsar. Numerous other geographical names come from Car: Carpathians, Carinthia.
The Tsar's grandchildren were Lech and Czech, the forefathers of Poland and the Czech Republic (Prokosz chronicle).
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Wysłany: Wto 13:16, 09 Lip 2024 Temat postu: |
Sarmatia (Carmatae) was a great ancient empire. A distinction was made between European Sarmatia and Asian Sarmatia.
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Wysłany: Wto 13:31, 09 Lip 2024 Temat postu: |
Topic: Ancient Poland
I think it is very important to write about ancient Poland in English. We must share knowledge about our ancient history, because peace in Europe and in the world depends on it. Poland was an ancient country and powerful. It's not just the great powers that matter. These great powers do not like the truth about ancient Poland and have tried to hide this knowledge for years.
The Polish state, according to priest Wojciech Dębołęcki (born in 1575), has its roots in the state of Seth, the son of Adam and Eve. These are biblical, i.e. historical, figures. Set in Slavic was called Scythia, hence the Scythians, and the Poles were the Reigning Scythians.
Shortly after the great flood, when Noah came out, Lech was born, the father of Poles known not only from legend, but also from chronicles. Lech Czech and Rus gave birth to three nations: Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia. What exactly did the Polish chronicler Jan Długosz write about.
It is important to know who Lech was, as well as Czech and Rus. Because Lech had a son, Filan, who was the father of Finland, as Archbishop Prokosz wrote in his chronicle. And Prokosz lived in the times of Mieszko I.
Lech's grandson was Rus, the father of Russia - as Jan Długosz wrote. The sons of Rus - Scig, Kij and Korew founded Kiev, as written by the chronicler Nestor.
Lech's origin is also very important. After all, we have a saying in Poland: "A Pole, a Hungarian, two nephews..." Yes, because Lech and Czech were the sons of Annon (Pannon), the father of Hungary. The Polish chronicler Wincenty Kadłubek wrote about it.
It is important to know that Lech, Czech and Rus lived around the same times as Abraham. After all, it takes many centuries for a nation to grow in numbers. The times of Abraham are the times of the fathers of nations.
Today we can indicate Lech's hypothetical pedigree:
Mother's pedigree:
1. Noah (source: Bible)
2. Shem (source: Bible)
3. Arpachshad (source: Bible)
4. Shelach (source: Bible)
5. Eber (source: Bible)
------------------------ arrived in Europe, or born in Europe:
6. Joktan (source: Bible)
7. Sarmat (source: Bible, Chronicle of Prokosz)
8. Helissa II (source: Prokosz Chronicle)
9. Lech
The name Sarmat in the old Greek translation of the Bible is "Sarmoth". Most likely, the name was shorter: Tsar (Car). The word "tsardom" comes from this name, "carmatae" in Latin, hence we call its descendants Sarmatians and the country Sarmatia. The ancient historian Berossos wrote about Sarmatia.
Sarmatia existed on many ancient maps of Europe.
Lech's pedigree, after his father's line:
1. Noah (source: Bible)
2. Japheth (source: Bible)
3. Gomer (source: Bible)
4. Togarma (source: Hugh Robinson)
5. Hajk (source: Eusevius Pamphili)
6. Armenak (source: Eusevius Pamphili)
------------------------ arrived in Europe, or born in Europe:
7. Cadmus (source: Eusebii Caesariensis)
8. Illyrius (source: Marcus Annaeus Lucanus)
9. Autarius (source: Raffaele Maffei)
10. Pannon (Annon) (source: Appiani Alexandrini)
11. Lech (source: Vincentii Kadłvbkonis)
Hajk and Armenak were the fathers of Armenia, Cadmus was a scientist and came to Europe to establish a gold mine. He gave birth to the Greek alphabet. Its sister Europa gave its name to the new lands.
Illyrius was the father of Illyria, a country well known to historians.
Autarius was the father of the Autariat people, and the name Adriatic comes from him.
Pannon is known in the Pannonian Chronicle. He gave his name to the whole land - Pannoni.
A king named Sarmat (Car) founded Carodom, i.e. Kraków, the historically most important capital of Poland. Carodom is a district of Krakow, which is today called Stradom.
Another important knowledge concerns Kodan, who was the son of the aforementioned Sarmat. Kodan gave its name to the Polish city of Gdańsk (Kodan city), but also to the whole of Scandinavia (Codanovia). The Gulf of Codanus (Sinus Codanus) is known to historians.
It is worth knowing that the fathers of the nations of Western Europe were descendants of Alan, who was much younger than Lech, Czech and Russian.
It is also worth knowing that the biblical Joctan gave his name to the city of Istanbul, because in some versions of this name it is Ictan, Ister. Many names in the Balkans also come from the name Ister, the Danube itself had this name. Also cities: Istropolis - Bratislava.
This is enormous knowledge, and it only concerns the era of 2000 years before Christ.
The name "Lechia" or "Lehia" comes from Lech. This is the ancient name of Poland.
Lech founded his capital in Gniezno, where he saw a beautiful eagle. He decided to make his image the national emblem.
Ancient Poland developed around several capitals, located a few days' riding distance from each other.
Kraków was the capital of the Vistulans, Gniezno the capital of the Polans. But Poles also settled in other regions - in Silesia, Warmia, Mazovia, Pomerania.
The descendants of Lech and Sarmat multiplied. We know the names of their descendants, the rulers of ancient Poland. Let us also consider the names of the rulers who founded Polish cities such as Szczecin, Poznań, Kalisz, Sandomierz, Lublin.
As the centuries passed, times became more and more turbulent. The rule over Lehia was increasingly taken over by the descendants of the above-mentioned Alan, including Wandal.
About 1000 years before Christ, the Vandal family completely expelled the Lechites from the Oder and Vistula rivers. They had to flee to Illyria, as Archbishop Prokosz wrote about.
They lived there for about 500 years. After this time, the leader of the Lechites named Polak (Polach) defeated the Vandal ruler and enabled the Lechites to return to their homeland.
However, the country needed rebuilding. The city of Krakow (Carodom) was also raised from the fall. This was done by a king named Krak. The modern name Kraków comes from this name. He lived four centuries before Christ, which Jan Długosz recommended to consider carefully.
King Krak ruled over the great Slavs. The era of Slavic power had come.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, almost five centuries after the birth of Christ, attempts were made to rebuild Rome's power at all costs. A predatory German state was created. Even historical records were falsified, adding 300 fictitious years to them. One of the German princesses persuaded the Lehite king Popiel to murder all his voivodes in order to rule alone. Unfortunately, this king was too stupid and did it. One day, during their convention in the capital. Lehia fell significantly.
Popiel was one of the last pagan rulers in Lehia. He did not want to accept the disciples of Cyril and Methodius into his home. This was done by Piast, the ancestor of Mieszko I, who baptized Poland into faith in Christ.
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Wysłany: Wto 15:00, 09 Lip 2024 Temat postu: |
In the Polish edition of Archbishop Prokosz's chronicle from 1825, Filania is Finland:
"Z walecznych powstawszy Lech Sarmatów, bez wytchnienia z różnemi woiował narodami. Woynami i latami zwątlony Lech podług Prokosza i Kagnimira, umarł w Gnieźnie Roku świata 2082 przeżywszy na państwie lat pięćdziesiąt. Zostawił po sobie według Prokosza, Filara albo Filana , który kraiowi iednemu dawszy od siebie imie Filania (która iuž teraz Finlandią się nazywa) Roku świata 2112 a panowania trzydziestego życie zakończył."
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