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Wysłany: Pią 13:11, 20 Lis 2015 Temat postu: "Dla szczęścia Moich..." tom II (en) |
"Dla szczęścia Moich..." tom II (en)
For the Happiness of My Own,
My Chosen Ones
Original title:
« Pour le bonheur des Miens, Mes choisis - JÉSUS »
© La Fondation des choisis de Jésus
PO Box 22019, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1E 4B4
Translated by Florestine Audette
Revised by Kevin J. Danaher
For the Happiness of My Own,
My Chosen Ones
Cover and page setting:
Claire Lalande Couture
Typesetting: Infoscan Collette
© Cover design: Editions Médiaspaul, Paris
Let little children come to me, gouache,
Anne-Marie Hennequin
© All rights reserved for all languages and all countries :
La Fondation des choisis de Jésus
PO Box 22019, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1E 4B4
Web Edition, April 2010
Authorization is given to make copies of this book, in whole or
in part, but at the express condition that it is not for
commercial purposes. This authorization applies to any media.
The Foundation's mission is to promote the diffusion,
experimentation and integration of Love messages from the
Lord entrusted to Léandre Lachance.
As a token of respect for and submission
to the decree of the Sovereign Pontiff
Urban VIII, we declare that we attribute to
the facts related in this book only the faith
deserved by any human testimony. We
also declare that the judgments expressed
here in no way anticipate those of our Holy
Mother the Church to whom the Author is
devoutly submitted.
I wish to express my gratitude to those who
helped me in the production of this book.
First, to the Lord Jesus, for his countless
graces; to those who collaborated in this project,
namely my wife Elizabeth; to Fr. Guy Giroux as
spiritual advisor; to Sr. Florestine Audette, R.J.M.
for the English translation; to the readers of the
first volume whose testimonies and prayers were
a source of comfort to me...
“As I have often mentioned, when I speak to
you, I am speaking to all the readers, men and
women; however, your way of living these
teachings is different; not only different, but
unique to each one of you.
Having been created “unique,” it is normal
that the transformation into beings of Love is
as unique as the mission assigned to each one
by the Father. What is important is to give Him
your ‘yes’...” (No 30)
Editor’s Note
A first volume, bearing the same title, was
published in French in April 1999, and in English in
2001. It revealed spiritual conversations of the
Author with His little messenger. These conver-
sations have been going on for a year and are the
topic of a second book.
The reader will find there the same inspiration
and, no doubt, the same interest. Titles were added
to each conversation. A few testimonies from enthu-
siastic readers of the first volume were included as a
token of gratitude to the Lord.
The only difference in content is a greater focus
on the community, an invitation to become involved
in small Communities of Love and Sharing, while
emphasizing the primary importance of a “ministry
in the Invisible... I want you to become a missionary
without borders.”
A spirituality is developed around the “yes” to
be given to the Lord... “like the ‘YES’, the joyous
‘FIAT’ of Our Blessed Mother Mary which, by itself,
marked the course of humanity’s Salvation History.”
We hope that the reader will welcome this
second volume as a “treasure of inexhaustible spiritual
goods that he will never finish discovering.”
André Couture
St. Raphael Publications
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Wysłany: Pią 13:13, 20 Lis 2015 Temat postu: |
The Year 2000 has come and gone! We were
witnesses of the media’s fuss about the “bug.”
Frantic feverishness reigned on the evening of
December 31. The business world was worried for
fear that everything would collapse.
On the other hand, Pope John Paul II was urging
the whole world not to be afraid, to open its heart.
For him, the year 2000 was a year of hope, a year of
grace. By declaring this year a Holy Year, the Pope
hoped that human beings might raise their sights
and ask themselves, “Is my life moving in the right
direction? Did I choose the way that leads me to the
True Life?”
In this world, obsessed by material things,
glamour and glitter, Christ remains our Savior. He
wishes to pour abundant graces of Salvation from
His open side into our hearts.
In his first book, For the Happiness of My Own, My
Chosen Ones JÉSUS, Léandre Lachance urges us to
open our hearts in order to become beings of Love.
Today he does so again and urges us to listen in to
God constantly in order to build a New World and
become committed to it.
Because we are human, we sometimes let
ourselves become engrossed in numerous activities
that disperse our attention. Our relationship with
this God of Love still remains our essential goal.
God wants to give us the fullness of His Life.
A shower of graces will fall on a multitude of
hearts if they say “yes” to the Lord. This second
volume, For the Happiness of Mine, My Chosen Ones
JESUS, urges Christian men and women to let
themselves be transformed by the Holy Spirit who is
at work in the building of a New World and a New
Church that is more apostolic. This Church will be
the leaven in the dough, the light of the World.
May God’s blessing come down upon you!
Guy Giroux, priest
from readers of the first volume
When I received your book, I began reading it
immediately, thinking that I would run through it in a
few evenings. But I soon understood that this book was
not a novel, nor a biography, nor a documentary.
Therefore I went back over it in small doses as if, in your
company, I was having intimate encounters with the
Eternal Father.
Contrary to most of the reading I do, here I try less to
understand than to let myself be cradled like a child, to
accept and surrender myself a little as in your story about
breathing. I have not finished your book yet. It takes
much longer to read with one’s heart than with one’s
head. It will surely take much more time to read it than to
write it.
G. F., Granby, Qc, Canada
I bought this book a month ago and I wish to testify to
all the peace, the joy and the hope that reading and
meditating it has given me. It is as if I had been waiting
for this for a long time. Several messages and teachings
reach me more personally, for in it I recognize situations
that I have been experiencing for some years.
What touches me especially is the simplified appli-
cation of these teachings. They are made accessible to all
the children of God while they are offered with a deep
respect for the freedom of each. We easily recognize there
Our Father who takes care of all His children.
M T., Charlesbourg, Qc, Canada
It is unthinkable that a human being could have
written a text as liberating and as serene as this one. This
is a dialogue with each one’s source or roots. It is a trip to
the “little child” always slumbering within ourselves.
This dialogue, filled with tenderness, openness, accep-
tance and encouragement, brings us back to the essential,
that is, to Faith, Trust and Love.
Learning to detach one’s self or accepting to be freed
from one’s bonds is not easy, especially when this
concerns someone in the habit of “doing his own thing,”
like Léandre Lachance. One feels this struggle going on in
him, this combat, this wrestling between his exterior
person of “reputation, well-being and success,” and his
inner person of “tenderness, meekness and sensitivity.”
What a battle!
J.-M.A., Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada
I find this book absolutely stunning, as much in form
as in content.
Its form first made me think of the Imitation of Jesus
Christ where the faithful dialogues with Jesus. But it is
very different. As to content, I think that Léandre
Lachance must have taken a firm hold on himself in order
to agree to publish a spiritual experience as personal, as
profound and as intimate as this one. May he be thanked
for it! What a testimony in a world of indifference that is
as unswerving as a block of concrete.
I am the catechist, in a village, for little ones from four
to six years of age. They come to work with me for one
hour every week.
A.-M.H., France
Léandre, I have already expressed in writing my
appreciation of this book and now I am repeating myself
on another note: it is more than a dish of sweets for the
heart; it is a source of vitamins for the soul, a flash of
heavenly light.
It is your turn now, Elizabeth. You know the proverb
“Behind every great man, look for the woman.” This is
not only a proverb; it is a law from the Creator... the
Creator of the couple. Man and woman, in the likeness of
God, he created them!... not similar but complementary.
When I read a message from Léandre’s book, I thank
the Lord for the work of this spiritual couple. Could we
admire an oak tree and forget the roots that nourished it
and made it tall and strong?
P.M., Montreal, Qc, Canada
By sheer chance, I received in the mail a book of
spiritual conversations written by a Quebecois from the
area of Sherbrooke, Léandre Lachance, a man perfectly
unknown to me, except that the one who sent me the book
said the nicest things about him. Out of courtesy, people
usually read a few lines of a book to show eventually that
they know what it is about, but no more.
A little surprise here, just the same: we immediately
have the impression that the content will move us in a
particular way and that the short lessons may “perhaps”
help us in our everyday lives. Why not read a few more
pages, no harm done to any one...
The more we read, the more we want to read:
somewhat as we devour one of our favorite authors when
we can hardly put the book down before we have read it
through. Here, this book is like an intimate conversation,
not with the one who wrote the texts, but with the real
Author of the texts: Our Father...
R.L., Lake Simon, Qc, Canada
(Testimonies are continued at the end
of the book, p. 197.)
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Wysłany: Pią 13:18, 20 Lis 2015 Temat postu: |
January 17, 6:20, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
1. – My intimacy: your treasure
“My tiny little one, the most beautiful gift I can
offer you for your birthday, a
gift that is fruitful in you and through you, and
the beauty and richness of which you will never
come to the end of discovering, is My intimacy.
The more intimate we become, the more you will
benefit from what is Mine. Since I possess every-
thing, everything becomes accessible to you. The
entrance door is Love; this is the door that lets you
enter the room where are found all the gifts of the
Spirit, all the charisms and all My Peace.
Keep on using the door of Love diligently: in this
way you will draw more and more from all My
My wish is to be one with you as I am one with
the Father. What belongs to the Father belongs to
Me; therefore what is Mine is yours.
The door is wide open, you may enter it as often
as you wish. Every time you cross its threshold, you
go in a little further, you discover a little more. This
is how you become Love a little more.
You all become Love, you yourself become Love.
Tenderly, I love you.”
January 22, 4:50
2. – Listening in to My Will
Lord Jesus, I want to present to You the situation
already known to You, about the printing of Your book
and the differences of opinions concerning capital letters
and what should be cut out. You know my incompetence
in this domain, my helplessness and my lowliness.
I thank You and I express my gratitude to You for the
three persons You have chosen to make up for my
weakness and to complete this work. The editor and Your
two favorite sons. You know their faith, their beautiful
faith and their sincere desire to do Your Will.
I am listening to You to learn what You want to teach
me immediately and what You want each one of us to
discover. May everything unfold under Your eyes in an
atmosphere of peace, joy, love and unity, while we are
enlightened by Your light and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Thank You for hearing my prayer. I love You.
“My little one, what a joy for My Heart to see you
being so little and so concerned about expecting
everything from Me, even when I must act through
others! Many of My chosen ones are receptive,
ready to accept My Will inasmuch as I act through
them, but they become reticent whenever I act
through others or through events.
I told you at the beginning that I, who am per-
fect, want to make you perfect. What I want for you,
I also want for all My children on earth, but
especially for the men and women I have chosen to
help you complete this book.
So each person individually must take an impor-
tant step as must the group as well. It is the initiative
I taught you on January 6, 1997;1 this is all the more
important since there are preconceived skills and
opinions. This demands a great deal of self-denial on
the part of each of the persons involved.
1. Volume 1, excerpt from the message No 34.:
1. Always begin by addressing your petitions to Me;
2. Let your heart be always ready to accept the answer, no
matter what direction I will be inspiring you;
3. Accept the obstacles or the difficulties, knowing that I am
there to help you resolve them;
4. Repeat your petition on each new path;
5. Place your trust in Me in the smallest details;
6. Act while being certain that I am with you;
7. Acknowledge your helplessness;
8. Give Me thanks for all the successes as well as for all appar-
ent failures;
9. Hope against and in spite of everything;
10. Never forget that I am the God of the impossible;
11. Act with love, understanding, justice and kindness towards
the people involved in the file;
12. Always be careful and check whether the enemy is laying a
trap when you are faced with a situation. Ask for My
guidance and it will be given;
13. Do not forget that by being linked to Me, you are on the
winning side, no matter what the appearances might be;
14. Remain in profound humility; never be arrogant;
15. Read over what I have just taught you and keep on being
attentive to Me, the remainder will be taught to you at the
proper time. Have no fear, do not be afraid, and place your
trust in Me. I am there really in you in your depths, no
matter where you are or what you are doing. Rest assured of
My Covenant. I never let My friends down.
You owe it to yourself to check if all are ready to
accept the first three points without any restrictions
or conditions. If so, you may continue. If not, you
must stop to pray and wait until the unity in the
group is complete. It will be the same for each of the
points that you will have to decide.
I want to give the answer to the group and
through the group, so that they may all become a
little more ‘community-minded and collegial.’ I am
asking you to invite Elizabeth and Marthe to this
meeting. It is important that each of these persons be
already aware of belonging to the beautiful and pure
New Church. To keep it beautiful and pure, each one
must forget his way of seeing and thinking and adopt
the one chosen by the Father which consists in
handing everything over to Him, in asking Him for
everything and in expecting everything from him.
Have no fear, keep on growing in faith. You will
know from My Peace in you that you are on the right
path. It is also this peace that is felt that will enable
you to move ahead and make decisions in confor-
mity with the Will of My Father.
You are My chosen ones. I have chosen you for a
most beautiful and great mission. Your submission
to the Holy Spirit determines how useful you will
be. Let yourselves be transformed by Love.
You are becoming Love. I love you all. I love you,
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for reminding me of the
important and indispensable role that Martha has played
in the transcription of this book. Thank you for reminding
me also of the constant and absolutely necessary support
of Elizabeth, my beloved wife. Thank you again for making
up for my weakness.
Through a miracle of your Love, my failings will be
transformed into graces and blessings showered on
Elizabeth and Marthe.
I love You.
January 25, 2:15
3. – Accept My Plan without understanding it
“My little one, move on in your faith, that is what
I asked you at the very beginning of our visits, in our
more intimate relationships. This is what I am still
asking you today.
We are entering into a new stage in which I will
continue to guide and inspire you. You will
gradually discover the means I will use. What is
important is that you keep on listening to Me, that
you do not become fixed in the means that you
already know, telling yourself ‘this is the means the
Lord uses with me,’ for this is only one means
among others.
You have grasped this well: the message of
January 10 brings this book to an end. You will dis-
cover in the future the answer to the question you
are asking yourself, that is, will there be others.
Under my inspiration, you have just concluded
a book that will produce savory, lasting and abun-
dant fruits; these will multiply without your really
being able to explain how. You are only beginning
to acknowledge what I am accomplishing through
I know your desire to organize, plan and struc-
ture; if you knew My wish in advance, in an impulse
of foresight, you would take initiatives that would
make Me lose control of the means used and thus
you would jeopardize or, at least, delay My plan.
Knowing neither My plan, nor what I expect of
you, you are forced to expect everything from Me,
ask Me for everything and keep on being attentive
to Me. That is where you are most useful to Me, as
you allow Me to accomplish more. Moreover, this
keeps you in humility. How could you take pride in
something that comes about unbeknown to you?
You are very precious to Me. Once more, I am
pouring a torrent of Love into your heart. Without
Me, you are and would remain nothing, nothing,
nothing. With Me and through Me, you will never
come to the end of discovering the treasures that the
Father has placed in you at the moment of your
• Accept what you are becoming without
• Accept that you are loved without having
deserved it.
• Accept My Wisdom without knowing what it
achieves in you.
• Accept My peace without knowing too well
what it is.
• Accept to become one with Me without
knowing why.
• Accept My tenderness without feeling it.
• Accept everything without understanding,
because you know that I love you.
Tenderly, I love you.”
January 30, 13:25
4. – On the Father’s Way
“My little one, I take great pride in seeing you
moving ahead on the way that the Father has traced
for you. It is the road leading you to holiness, to
fullness of Love.
You are really witnessing that you are not the
one acting, but the Holy Spirit is the one who is
active in you, around you and through you.
Together, let us thank the Father that things are so.
If you abide in your lowliness and keep on accepting
My Love, moreover, you will be a witness of the
action of the Holy Spirit. Even if you were a witness
of nothing externally, you would witness that He
becomes active within you and, in faith, you would
know that he becomes active in the Invisible in a
multitude of hearts, starting with your ‘yes’ to let
Him act without any restriction or condition.
Let My hand guide you. Turn your sights
towards the Father. Contemplate with Me His
tenderness in using you, while He could really act
on His own. Contemplate His mercy for using you
without your having become perfect. Contemplate
His power; He achieves everything starting from a
simple sincere little ‘yes.’ Contemplate with Me His
bounty in giving so much with so little. Together let
us contemplate His Love, His unlimited Love, His
boundless Love without borders, the Love he pours
abundantly always and everywhere as soon as there
is a little opening, I would say a little crack. He
desires so much to fulfill His children on earth and
make of them a New Earth, all pure, all beautiful,
able to welcome Me in My Great Return which is to
come very soon.
That is why it is urgent for us to give an
unconditional ‘yes’ repeatedly, to let Him act, to
acknowledge our lowliness and accept His Love.
Tenderly, I love you.”
February 3, 1:50
5. – My Presence transforms you
Lord Jesus, it is in the lowliness of my being that I
address You to present to You once more my difficulties in
being totally Yours; I want to hand over my preoccu-
pations to You, for they control me too often. I am
attentive to you so that I may be totally inspired and
liberated by You.
Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. I
love You.
“My little one, come closer to Me. My Heart is
burning with Love for you. Your heart is purified by
warming it against Mine. These long moments of
intimacy with Me unite your heart with Mine and, in
the end, your whole being is united to Me.
Abide in this state of intimacy with Me as long as
possible, do not worry about the time, your sleep and
your rest. My Presence in this intimacy that we have
together is very restful for you. Happy are you for
letting yourself be transformed by My Presence; this
is how you are being prepared for the fullness of Love.
If you only knew the joy there is in Heaven solely
because of these moments of intimacy that you let
Me have with you. It is a Fire of Love Fire which not
only becomes more and more ablaze in your heart,
but which burns in a multitude of hearts and, very
soon, the earth will be totally transformed, renewed
and ready to welcome Me in My Great Return.
Thank you for being this channel that allows Me
to be more and more present in a multitude of hearts.
Tenderly, I love you.”
February 4, 2:50
6. – The Communion of the New World
with Heaven
“My little one, do not let the things of this world
distress or worry you. Even though you are always
in the world, you are no longer part of the world in
which you live. You are already in the New World,
and this new world is in a constant relationship with
Heaven, with the men and women Saints and with
the Holy Angels, under the protection of My Blessed
Mother. This world is continually inspired by the
Holy Spirit, in great intimacy with My Heart, to such
a degree that My Heart is beating in you and in each
one of you.
Everything unfolds under the constant, kindly,
merciful and Love-filled eyes of the Father. That is
the New World you are in; the way to enter it is the
one I taught you, the one that leads you into the
depths of your being.
Your mission, first of all, is in the Invisible, in
communion with the men and women Saints, the
Holy Angels, and with the men and women whom
the Father sends to you when He wishes, at the
proper time, for the type of action or intervention
that He has chosen. He alone is the Master in charge.
This is how His Will is fulfilled, how His Kingdom
comes on earth as in Heaven and how His Name is
Once this mission, this great and true Mission,
has been fulfilled carefully in the Invisible, the
Father entrusts little missions in the visible to
someone who fulfills them. This person is totally
under the guidance of the action of the Holy Spirit,
not knowing too well what he is accomplishing,
without any plan, and without really showing any
human effort, as is the case presently when you are
used as an instrument in your writing. At some
other moment, such persons may be used to speak,
to perform some deed for someone or a group. But
this must always be done in Love and in the most
perfect submission to the Holy Spirit, after long
moments of prayer, adoration, intimacy with Me
and in the frequent reception of the sacraments,
especially of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
In this new world, there are missions for each
and all, men and women, each mission being as
worthy as the other. However, no one is forced to
enlist, joining remains entirely free and voluntary,
without any ambiguity. Let the ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and the
‘no’ be ‘no.’ Let decisions and deeds be in
conformity with this ‘yes’ and this ‘no’! Let the
choice be made starting from your ‘yes’ and not
from worldly thoughts, from your habits or ties to
the things of this world!
Blessed are you, men and women, for being
already in this New World that is the fullness of
Love. Now that you have discovered it, that you
know it exists, you may dwell in it or leave it; it is up
to you to make your choice, the one or the other, but
never the one and the other. The doors are wide
open. Love is waiting for you with open arms and
heart so that you, in turn, may become beings full of
Love loves you and you are becoming Love.
Tenderly, I love you all.
Tenderly, I love you, Léandre.
February 7, 5:15
7. – My suffering made My Mission fruitful
Lord Jesus, I present to You my difficulty in accepting
that my book “For the Happiness of My Own, My
Chosen Ones JESUS ” be published as well as the many
doubts and fears that assail me.
I feel weak, small and vulnerable. I offer You this
suffering and unite it to Yours for my purification and
that of my brothers, mainly for those who are lost and
who will die today.
Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer.
I love You.
“My little one, if you only knew the great value
of suffering in becoming more deeply imbued in
Love. Suffering is transformed into graces and
blessings when it is accepted and offered to the
Father in union with Mine.
Blessed are you for feeling this suffering before
this book is published. Suffering that is accepted
and offered makes the effect of this book fruitful in
the hearts of the men and women readers. Be aware
that My great suffering, at the time of My agony in
the garden of Olives, made My Mission and My
death fruitful. If My Mission had to be made fruitful
by My suffering, is it not normal that your suffering
would make your mission fruitful?
The disciples are not greater than the Master.
They must accept in their hearts to travel the same
road as I did. They cannot become one with Me
without taking their cross and following Me.
However, their great privilege is that I came to
redeem them. Every time they feel the burden of
suffering, they can hand it over to Me and discover
that My yoke is light.
Continue to hand over your sufferings to Me as
soon as you feel them. You will discover My
Presence more and more and this will make your
burden light. Remember that you are never alone, I
am always with you. We have written this book “For
the Happiness of My Own, My Chosen Ones Jesus”
together; together we will bear these tribulations,
but it is also together that we will experience the
‘jubilation’ that this book will bring, of which the
greatest is our intimate union that enables you to
become Love.
Tenderly, I love you.”
February 9, 4:55
8. – All for Him, all for you, all for others
Lord Jesus, I wish to entrust to you the exposé I was
asked to prepare on “all for everyone.” You know what
my helplessness, my limitations and my weaknesses are. I
am relying solely on Your Almighty Power. I commend
myself entirely into Your hands. I am counting uniquely
on You.
I want to be totally attentive to You. Thank You for
hearing and answering my prayer.
I love You.
“My little one, here are a few fundamental rules
that you must not forget. It is fine to want to be every-
thing to everyone; however, before giving yourself
to others, you must first be, and you can never give
more than what you are.
• If you are not a being of faith, how can you
instill faith?
• If you are not a being filled with hope, how
can you give rise to hope?
• If you are not a being of Love, how can you
transmit Love?
Since you can give only what you are, you must
“be” before you can give. How can you be what you
wish to give? I really said being and not learning;
there is a whole difference there. On your own, you
can learn a multitude of things: God empowers you
to do so through the talents you have received.
In the matter of your being, things are very
different: the only power you have is to give your
‘yes’ to the transformation of your being by your
Creator. By accepting what the Father has given you
and is giving you directly at this time, during these
moments of intimacy with the Blessed Trinity,
through others or through the events experienced,
you become a new being, entirely free, with this
great freedom of the children of God.
Then, completely freed from worldly thoughts,
you are allowed to be fully yourself, to discover your
original beauty, as you were created by the Father,
and fully surrendered into His hands.
Being totally in His hands, He allows you to be
totally yourself, and you may then give yourself to
others. In other words:
All for Him; All for you; All for others.
Since you are constantly being transformed,
it is by giving yourself again and always more
completely to Him that you belong to yourself more
and that you can give yourself more to others.
Since you cannot see the future, in order to live
the present moment in the proper way and convince
yourself of this teaching, cast an eye on your past
experience that is truly yours. Note that every time
you agreed to give yourself more completely to God,
you belonged more to yourself and you were able to
give yourself more to others.
You give yourself to Love; you become Love; you
spread Love.
Tenderly, I love you.”
February 16, 4:05
9. – Do not look for another master
Lord Jesus, I want to present to you T.’s request
concerning what You expect from her.
I am listening to You. Thank You for hearing me and
answering my prayer and hers.
I love You.
“Little T. of My Heart, come and snuggle in
My arms. I have been waiting for you for a long
time to bring you closer to Me. My Heart is burn-
ing with Love for you; how happy I am to see
that you accept your lowliness, your frailty, your
weakness, your vulnerability and your help-
lessness. It is only then that I can clasp your
heart against Mine and pour a torrent of Love
Fire into it.
Together, little pearl of My Heart, we are
entering into a new world, into a New Church.
Do not look for another master. I am the absolute
Master able to lead you where you wish to go to
respond to the call I have placed in the depths of
your heart.
You will not find the answer you are looking
for anywhere except in yourself, in the long
moments of intimacy with Me. You do not
respond to My call by doing but by being. Your
being, having been fashioned by Love to become
Love, can be perfected only by Love.
You have given me your ‘yes’ many times;
the Father is claiming other ones from you to
complete the masterpiece of Love that you are.
Do not waste time looking at yourself or even
questioning yourself. Keep your eyes fixed on
the Father; look at His Kindness, His Mercy and
His Love. Do not seek to become worthy of it or
to deserve it. This is an impossible mission, for
you will never be worthy of so much Love, nor
will you ever be able to deserve such a perfect
Accept, accept, accept His Kindness, His
Mercy and His Love, because He wants it to be
so. Little pearl of My Heart, hand over your bur-
den to me, you are weary from carrying it. Let Me
take it up on My shoulders to give it to the Father.
You thus become free, Love makes you free.
Blessed are you, little Pearl of My Heart, for
letting yourself be led on the way of freedom and
thus become Love. With Me, you become Love;
what more do you want?
You are becoming Love., I love you madly.”
February 19, 3:00
10. – Your true mission is Love
“My little one, always listen more and more
attentively to Me; you will discover that I am closer
and closer to you. I will constantly inspire your
thoughts. I want you to be totally Mine. If you
are totally Mine, you will no longer have to be
concerned about anything, for I am the One bearing
you, inspiring you, guiding you, leading you and
finally, being active through you.
Therefore, a very, very great transformation is
being achieved in you at present; you are more or
less aware of this, and that you be aware or not of
this is not important. What is important is that you
let yourself be transformed, that you continually and
repeatedly give Me your consent, that you acknowl-
edge that you are always more lowly and always
loved more by Me.
Love achieves everything when It is free to act. It
takes charge of the person, transforms the person in
His likeness. Once His image is well imprinted in
that person, a multitude of persons are visited in the
Invisible and also in the visible, in order to solicit
their consent to let themselves be transformed always
according to His image. This process will go on until
the entire earth is totally transformed.
It is important to note that the one mission or the
missions in the visible are achieved much more by
what the person is than by what the person says or
does, as a creature in the image of Love.
Now, here is your mission, your very own
mission. Let it be as a man or woman reader or a little
messenger that you are, there is no difference; you are
all loved with the same Love, to become, in turn, Love.
You are all loved madly. I love you madly,
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